Lucia Andrade

I started the journey of self discovery young because in my pursuit of being a ballerina I had an injury, the doctor recommended to practice yoga.

It was a great help to slow down with a more classical approach of yoga and meditation.

But it was at University, early 2000s when I studied Communication and Arts, that I finally met Ashtanga Yoga, and that method became the study of my lifetime.

Had the honour to study with great teachers like Regina Ehlers, Matthew Wollmer and Rolf Naujokat.

Went to Mysore India in 2007 and met the late sri K Pattabhi Jois, Saraswati Jois and Sharathji Jois, who has been my teacher since then.

Received the certification to teach Advanced series in summer 2014 by the hands of guruji.

We go every year to deepen our studies in Mysore, India as a family now.

My intention is to spread the path of yoga and self transformation as pure as possible, teaching in Ibiza, where we live and other countries in the world.

Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga is an ancient system of Yoga, first described by Vamana Rishi in the Yoga Korunta.

This text came into the hands of Sri T Krishnamacharya by his guru, Rama Mohan Brahmachari, and was passed on to Sri K Pattabhi Jois while he was his disciple.

Ashtanga Yoga, practiced in its correct order and sequence, gradually leads the practitioner to rediscover their full potential on all levels of consciousness, physical, psychological and spiritual.

Through deep breathing, postures (asanas) and eye fixation points (dristhis), we gain control of the senses and a deep awareness of ourselves. By maintaining this discipline with regularity and devotion, we attain mental and spiritual stability.


and in depth study

March – 2025

20 – 24 March


Madrid Ashtanga Shala

[email protected]

5 days to practice Ashtanga Yoga mysore style with the beautiful dedicated community of Madrid Ashtanga Shala by Alexia Pita in a cultural vibrant city surrounded by green. It feels like home.

April – 2025

01 – 26 April


Santa Ashtanga Yoga at
Ibiza Yoga Point

[email protected]

4 weeks to develop self practice in the magical island of Ibiza.

Ashtanga yoga practice and meditation

April / May – 2025

30 April – 04 May


Ekam Ashtanga Yoga

[email protected]


5 days to explore the method of Ashtanga Yoga together in one of the happiest city in Spain with a warming and dedicated practitioners from Valencia by Lucila.

June – 2025

12 – 16 June

South France retreat

We joined Joice at Ashtanga France to offer these 6 days of retreat in a gifted and silent place at the countryside of France. To share what we have being studying and experiencing in the journey of yoga, healthy life style and family.

There will be Ashtanga Yoga practices, pranayama, meditation, yogic talks, vegan living food and time to spend for walking, contemplation and rest.

June/July – 2025

26 June – 1 July

Massa – Tuscany – Italia

6 Days of traditional Mysore Yoga practice immerse in the greenery Tuscany between mountains and sea. Chadi El Hnoud and his beautiful Ashtanga comunity hosts Lucia in Massa. Asthanga Yoga Massa
Vi aspettiamo!

September – 2025

24 – 28 September


Tenerife Ashtanga Shala

[email protected]

5 days to tune in using the traditional method of Ashtanga Yoga Mysore style and gathering together to share yogic topics with the lovely and dedicated community of Tenerife Ashtanga Shala by Ana Lestard in the island of the eternal spring.

Contact Lu

Contact for group classes, workshops, private classes in person and online:

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